Graphic Design Students and the Places They Call Home

On the morning of October 3, 2019, the photography students of the American University of Kuwait visited The American Cultural Centre at Dar al Athar al Islamiyyah to attend a private tour and workshop of the photography exhibition, The Place I Call Home.

This tour was conducted by the curator of the exhibition and director of Ffotogallery, a Wales based development agency, Mr. David Drake. Accompanying the students were the Chair of the Department of Graphic Design, Prof. William Andersen, and the instructor of the photography course, Prof. Claire Giddings.

The tour was an extensive and thorough review of all the exhibited photography works. The exhibition held pieces from 15 different artists based in both the Gulf region and Great Britain. Students showed great enthusiasm in the works and quickly began analyzing and discussing the pieces.

They reflected upon the title of the exhibition, which gave way to a lively discussion on what home meant to them, and the images that epitomize that meaning. Mr. Drake offered his expertise during the workshop portion of the day, where he reviewed the students’ photographs and offered valuable criticism and advice to the aspiring artists.

The Place I Call Home is open to the public at the Amricani Cultural Centre until October 21, 2019.
Written by Myriam Kotb