Exhibition Launch - Copeland Gallery

Exhibition Launch - Copeland Gallery
United Kingdom


We are delighted to invite you to the final exhibition launch of The Place I Call Home’s UK tour, from 6pm on Wednesday 11 March at Copeland Gallery, London.

You’ll have the opportunity to meet some of the artists who have worked on the project, as well as the curator David Drake. The celebration marks the end of this immense project working with the British Council on the UK-Gulf initiative. Book your place free place here

The Place I Call Home is an exhibition curated by David Drake, Director of Ffotogallery, the national photography agency for Wales. It explores the idea of home related to the experiences of people living in the Gulf and the UK at a time of rapid change and social mobility.


Mar 2020

Exhibition Launch - Copeland Gallery

We are delighted to invite you to the final exhibition launch of The Place I Call Home’s UK tour, from 6pm on Wednesday 11 March at Copeland Gallery, London.


